So Many of Us Shifting The Blame



One of my concerns is over this quote I’ve been seeing float around the internet frequently. It has its rounds where if one person shares it on Facebook or Pinterest, then several of their friends relate to it & share it as well. Every once in a while, this is one of the most popular quotes I see. Something is sorely wrong here.

Let’s begin by chewing on the fact that when many people find a statement with quotes around it, there’s this mindset that they ran into a golden idea. Quotations insist that their must be some sort of golden credibility or common sense to the statement right? How about if we place the quote on a pretty background, doesn’t this give the idea some official seal? What moves us to be so accepting of an idea that is decorated & merely seems powerful at the surface?

All that is necessary is wiping the glitter off the surface to expose something that will mildly improve one’s self. Even though it’s just a step to preventing grime from collecting on ourselves, this is more appealing than smearing the grime all over the ground we all walk on. The grime of these rotten ideas, insults to true knowledge & wisdom, are spread so thin on the ground we walk on every day by the media, corporations, & ourselves that we don’t even realize for quite some time that we were even walking on an unclean ground. Usually by the time we’re somewhat aware, the grime spreads to our legs, our hands, our eyes and mouth. We become blind & start spitting out some of the grime back onto the ground or even into other people’s faces until they obey or until our children learn to respect & appreciate it.

Oh, you might think this is an exaggeration. The thing is, ideas are one of the most powerful things a human being could hold. There is no such thing as a scanty idea, only ideas that have yet to be fully developed and implemented. We often underestimate how rapidly an idea we hold can either develop us into something monstrous or into something worth knowing in multiple aspects.

“Don’t get confused between my personality and my attitude. My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.”, is no golden thought or idea. Neither your personality, nor your attitude have any relation at all with any other person. It’s an illusion, it’s an easy way to shift the weight. We need to cease this infatuation with what’s easy. The right thing is hardly ever within the vicinity of easy & this isn’t new. We should feel empowerment through kicking this grime off of our soles, not by shoving our foot, this grime, in other people’s faces & then puffing out our chests as we walk away while leaving a fragment of our integrity behind. I don’t need to tell any of you any of this though. All you have to do is take that extra step of wiping the coat of glitter off the grime yourself. 🙂